But I can tell you a bit about what has been going down:)
I have started my Russian lessons, so hopefully I´ll be a proper Gogol soon.
Getting around: The best thing about Moldova is that it is so cheap to travel. I went to Gagauzia (not sure how it is spelt but I´ll tjeck later), and it was only 15 d.kr. You never have to be scared of not being able to get on a bus here, because the max limit here usually means that you can fit 17 more people in a in. They just get small chairs to sit in the ile in the middle (and then Danmark is so concerned about wearing a seatbelt - who needs it, when you can´t even move an inch;) Gagauzia is a autonomous provins in the south of Moldova. They have their own language (similar to Tyrkish) and Garguzians originates from Christian Tyrks. This is an amazing place, and actually very different from Chisinau. This is the special thing about Moldova. All the different parts are very unique.
Love these cars!So I just had to show you a photo.
@ Work: there are two sentences you have to get use to, if you want to work in Eastern Europe: "I will think about it..." and "We will see". I am beginning to understand the difference: I will see usually means: " I am not sure what you are on about, but I´ll read the 5 emails you have sent on the subject and then I will probably answer you" and "we will see" usually means "this is not how we do it here, so maybe if I ignore you long enough you will go away". Both sentences are used when people are trying to postpone doing things: Why do things now, when you might not have to do them, because people forget about it;) But as most of you already know: I will not go away, just because you ignore me - so eventually I get some things done anyways:)

If you are interested here is a link about it: http://curaj.tv/reportaj/cultural/dragostea-este-diferita-flashmob-la-stefan/