To all you scallywags and raggamuffins out there please feel free to tune in on my mischiefs in Eastern Europe!

tirsdag den 25. januar 2011

Found a place to stay for the first couple of months,+Sectorul+Ciocana,+Chisinau,+Moldova&aq=&sll=37.926868,-95.712891&sspn=34.903719,68.115234&ie=UTF8&geocode=FSTBzQIdW7i4AQ&split=0&hq=&hnear=Alecu+Russo,+Sectorul+Ciocana,+Chisinau,+Moldova&ll=47.038756,28.883035&spn=0.029656,0.066519&z=14

So this is where I am going to live to start with. The address is str. Aleccu Russo 55/4, ap. 3,  with a family called Furdui. Doesn´t seem like a Russian surname, so maybe they are Romanian. Who knows. Got lots of time to find out.

A friend showed me this link abt. this part of town, not sure it means much to anyone - but still:

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