To all you scallywags and raggamuffins out there please feel free to tune in on my mischiefs in Eastern Europe!

mandag den 7. februar 2011

Here ya go:)

Someone has decided that it is un-cool for me to use their internet, so I have had a bit of a struggle going online. Hopefully this will be solved in the nearest future – but you never know☺
Now I have to been here a bit over a week, and things are grand(I am not eating as much cabbage anymore though) The first culture shock has been the French. Is there some invasion going on from both France and Germany that the rest of Europe just doesn’t know anything about? I am telling you Denmark - get on it! Moldova is obviously the new black! As a treat I get to improve my French though, so it is all good.
I have started work and it has been an interesting week for me. Most interesting is the fact that we work 5 people at the office, and that we only have 2.5 computers to work with. That is to say 1 and 0.5 - depending on how bad your Russian is that day (the 2nd comp. is only in Russian). The picture below is the ADVIT office.

Another big event was celebrating my birthday in Chisinau. It actually started around 23 am on the 1st when Clem, the French girl who lives here popped by with some cake. So that was a nice start. After work on the 2nd I meet with Clem and another girl for some beers (Chisinau local draft - gotta love ´em!) before heading off to my Couchsurfing meeting. Off cause I got lost on my way there, but met some nice people on the way, whom I am actually meeting up with again. This lack of orientation seems to have become my way of creating a network. It was a fun night, entailing some killer bloody marys and my first hangover in Moldova.

This is Clem with birthday cake:)

This is Oxana, a girl I met through CS.

This weekend I went to a winery called Purcari. It was started in 1827 and internationally recognised in 1847 in France. I am not sure about the facts since that is what I thought I understood from the Russian documentary. For those of you who has an actual interest in wine and wineries I am sure google will help ( I have been told this is a good place for random information). The wine was good and they let us finish the bottle which was very nice of them.
The view from the winery. Pretty wicked although it was very cold.

Me trying to be creative.
I like wine:)

Random church.

So does Daria ( A girl I work with)

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Karen
    Godt at høre du havde en god fødselsdag, btw jeg fik din sms.
    Så fik vi også opklaret det,- at moldova kan håndtere elektroniske tekstbeskeder på deres mobilnet... det er mere end man kan sige om egypten.
    Det ser ud som om du hygger dig, alt bliver bare nemmere med en flaske vin!
