May is full of public holidays which makes it perfect for travelling and seeing a bit of Moldova. But where to go?
Usually we just go to the nearest gara and take the first marchutka out. Since it only takes 6 hrs to cross moldova, you can never get to far away.
This is the view going to Leova.
Louise eating lunch in the only alimentare (name of the shops). There was nothing really interesting about this city, so sometimes we are not that lucky with out destinations.
Another day we went to Tipova which is known for their rock monestaries. (and crazy priests)
The new church... They are always very pretty!
View over Nestru river (one of Moldovas 2 rivers) On the other side you can see Transnistrea.
Walking to the rock monestary.
When we arrived we were greated my a a priest, who told us about the places and surroundings. The monestary is surrounded by waterfalls, and in the old days people would throw children down the waterfalls as sacrifice. Luckily the orthodox religion came and saved the soul and built a church, and as soon as this was done, the waterfalls holy, and now people go there to be healed.
It was a very intense experience. he made us kneal why he told us the story and emphasized that there were a lot of dead people in the walls... Also there had been two attempt of renovation, but all the people ever working on the church became insane...
Hej Kusine
SvarSletDet ser ud som om du får set en masse kirker,- fedt... så du ikke nok da du var barn??
Jeg håber stadig du hygger dig. Jeg glæder mig til at du kommer hjem til sommer og besøger os.
Jeg skulle hilse mange gange fra Michelle.
Sven, jeg så jo så mange kirker, at jeg indså at det var dét, de unge vil ha:)
SvarSletFår du ikke snart ordnet dit skype- det kan vel ikke være så svært for en veluddannet og hårdtarbejdende ingeniør som dig:)