To all you scallywags and raggamuffins out there please feel free to tune in on my mischiefs in Eastern Europe!

mandag den 25. april 2011

Fericit Hristos a inviat! - Adevarat ca a inviat!

I was so lucky to get to celebrate my easter in a small village in the North called Suri. Moldovan Style.

This is the father of my friend showing me how to use a german gun from 2nd WW... I behaved that weekend.
In the back you can see the house where they cooked.  Yes, they had an entire house used for cooking!

It was a beautiful place with alot of cute things around...
corn corn and corn... :)

Dinner. This fellow here is called bacon:)

Beside the house where they cooked, they had a little shed where they had an extra oven. On the picture you see my friends babuska (russian)/Bunika (Rumanien) ( I decided to make this partly a language lesson just in case anyone of my friends and relatives decide to migrate to Eastern Europe).
To scallywags who had great pleasure in trying to teach me Rumanian...  Someone told me that talking to kids was the best way of learning, but I cannot say that they are mersiful teachers! -

homemade wiskey Rakiu or Samogon (depending on where you are in Moldova) and lots of it. It is called  and you get a tremendous headace drinking it which has NOTHING to do with the amount you choose to drink. If you decide to drink you might aswell go all in... Which everyone did..
Holybread. Traditionally this is made very salty, but because of the children - they put some sugarbuttons on top.
"Casa Mare". Tradition dictates that in every house in the countryside there is a special room called Casa Mare, in which only guests sleeps. It is usually very beautiful decorated and has the best blankets and a the bed is on top of an ovenlike thing which warmes the whole bed.
Here is Christina, my Moldovan friend, hanging out...
Christina and Christinas mother showed me the  cellar.
We decided to sleep before going to the church the same evening. In Orthodox tradition you go to church at 12 at night to the early morning. I wanted to experience this but since staying up waiting to go to church not is my forte I had to take a nap before... I blamed all the homemade wiskey...
In the church. It was quite interesting. We went there at 12. The priest blessed us, then each of us got a candle and went out of the church to walk around it 3 times. After that, and the following 4 hrs, the preast repeated something (had no clue what it was..) at the end he blessed the food.
 Christinas Babuska told me that she once had an egg blessed, and she saved it a year and it was still ok to eat.
Ironically I got sick in church...
Me and Christina chilling before all the guests arrived. They had a pond where you could fish..
Karaoke was an integrated part of the festivities.
Food.... mmmm
Red eggs. According to the easter tradition you have to break eggs. So each take an egg, and bang them together, the one egg that survives is a lucky egg or something like that..
In action.
Christina, me, some cousin, and behind is Christinas father.
after a couple of drinks I fells quite comfortable in both Romanian and Russian... judging from our faces I was probably not.
Traditional Moldovan dance:)
They wanted to show me their horse.

Still dancing:)
It was a really cool experience. When we were done with this easter dinner we went to the next family and continued.

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