To all you scallywags and raggamuffins out there please feel free to tune in on my mischiefs in Eastern Europe!

søndag den 17. april 2011

Workshop in Romania and rendez-vous with Dracula.

It has been a while since I have updated my blog, but time passes without you really realising. I have just come home from two weeks in Romania, and mates just to give you a heads-up! Romania Rocks! Nice people, good food (read here: wine) and it is really really beautiful.
But before getting into holiday mode again Ill let you know what I was up to before my two mischievous weeks in Romania.
I was lucky enough to go to see a small winery. A friend of a friend´s uncle grows wine - and they invited some friends and I for a small taste. The picture is of the babushka, who looks after the wine production.

Another cool thing worth writing about was an event called " puzzle up chisina" and was a photo exhibition. Puzzle up ChisiNOW is a photo exhibition, standing in the city of Chisinau from 26th March to 16th April. Nine places was  chosen around the city centre, to exhibit the pictures. All pictures have been taken during the six photo workshops some volunteers made.
Their goals were to create a community of amateur photographers in Moldova. Facilitate the exchange of knowledge among the workshop participants. Obviously crosscultural exchange ( sentence everyone in the NGO world is a sucker for) and improving photography-related skills of the participants. The side project and really useful here to was to evaluate the works in constructive way. The main-organiser, a uni student from Germany who is here to kick-off different projects, managed to find a sweet location in an old museum, so everyone was working really hard to clean and paint the place.

One big change is that I have moved place. On reason for living with locals was that I wanted to learn language and learn about their culture. Since this was not going very well and the need to have a sociallife got bigger I decided to move into a flat with other international volunteers. This will probably not be the best thing for my Russian, but at least I can invite friends over for dinner now. I am really happy I did it, although it means that I have to put a bit more effort into speaking either Russian or Romanian.

And then there was the workshop and training I went for in Romania, in something called Baile Tusnad (in transylvania) The workshop was called Living Library and was actually started in Denmark at Roskilde festival. The concept is instead of renting a book - you rent a person, who represents different steriotypes and prejudices you might have. As an example at the Living Library we attended I got to rent an ex-convict, a Roma and a politician. The idea is that you through dialogue under controlled circumstances get to confront some of your prejudices. It was really cool, and I am looking forward to start a similar project here in Moldova.

The LL took place in a café in St. Georgie - a small town near baile tusnad

These are some of the other participants from Latvia, Serbia, Romania, France, Holland, Macedonia, Italy etc. It was lots of fun and Transylviania is an amazing place. To my suprice there where a lot of Hungarian speaking ppl - so much for history lessons but reading up on it, it has to do with the old habsburg rule. It is still funny though that it is one place you cannot cope with Romanian and English.
View from a hill (I know: obviously)
After my week in Transylvia I travelled back to Bucharest to meet up with Lisa, a friend I was going to travel with. We found a pretty cool place to couchsurf right in center and we met up with a new friend, Andrea who showed us around. I loved this town. Mostly because it had an old part with cobblestone and outdoor cafés and a variaty of food. It was amazing and we even had good weather some of the days.
This picture was taken of me after walking around for two hrs in "casa de mafia" - the name of the parlament building. Most locals I met hated that building and many have never been in there. Apparently it has not been open to the public before 3 years ago.
But yes I was tired...
One our trip we went from bucharest to Brasov where we went to see the Bran Castle (the home of dracula) and a monestary on the way. This is Lisa on her way up the tower. It was really cool and there were not a lot of people when we were there, since turist season has not kicked in yet.
But Dracula was not home, so we probably have to come back another time.
This is a picture of the alleged blood-sucker Vlad the Impaler. It is worth going there if only for the beautiful surroundings! as you can see on the picture below.
We had to hike a bit to get this view, but it was worth it.
Bran castle

A picture of the training in Baile Tusnad. Speaking of beautiful places.
Brasov is also an amazing city. Romania is a really nice place to travel around. People are very friendly especially when you try to speak Romanian! Coming from Moldova you learn to appriciate anything that is not concrete ;)
I will defently come back. Hitch-hiking is really easy and living is cheap! 
Sun. I like.
A guy trying to catch his dinner.

On our way home from a wicked week in Romania. The bus-ride is always a bit of and adventure since you don't know how long you are going to stay at the border and what kind of people are on the bus. This time it was a bus full of Romanien speaking teenagers, who had been on something that seemed like spring-break. The bus driver was a grumpy Russian speaker which culminated with the teenagers wanting to watch movies. This ment 6 hrs of LOUD badly russian dubed english movies, which no one really understood. What a joy-ride...

I hope everyone is doing great back home whereever that is! I will try to update more frequently, but time flies.

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